Breaking: Reverend King To Die By Hanging – Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of Nigeria, sitting in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, today, Friday, February 26, 2016,
suppressed the request documented by the General Overseer of the Christian Praying Assembly, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, famously known as Reverend King testing the judgment of a Lagos High Court hanging so as to sentence him to death.

A seven-man board of Justices ‎of the pinnacle court in a consistent judgment drove by Justice Walter Onnoghen maintained capital punishment that was before given to Ezeugo by the Lagos State High Court.

Review Mr. Ezeugo was charged to court by the Lagos State Government on the 26 of September, 2006 on a six-tally charge of endeavored murder and murder of one of his individuals, Ann Uzoh on August second 2006.

In spite of the fact that he argued not liable to the claim but rather he was sentenced to death by the then Justice Joseph Oyewole of Lagos State High Court, Ikeja, on January 11, 2007 for the homicide of one of his congregation individuals, Ann Uzoh.

The Lagos State Government likewise blamed Mr. Zeugo of pouring petrol on the expired and five different persons, which likewise prompted the passing of Uzoh on August 2, 2006; 11 days after the demonstration was executed on her.

Sentenced Overseer for the Christian Praying Assembly, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, a.k.a Reverend King

Sentenced Overseer for the Christian Praying Assembly, Rev. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, a.k.a Reverend King

He was then sentenced to 20 years detainment for the endeavored homicide and hanging so as to pass for the offense of homicide, however he requested the decision of the High court, at the Court of Appeal, which likewise suppressed his allure

Equity Fatimo Akinbami, who directed the case, said “I therefore decide that the indictment adequately released the weight of verification on it. This advance is without any premise and appropriately falls flat. The judgment of the High Court is therefore confirmed, and the conviction forced on the appealing party, (which is demise by hanging) is likewise attested,” Justice Akinbami ruled.

Disappointed by the decision of the Appeal court, Mr. Ezeugo, drew closer the Apex court, who suspended his case on the primary sitting subsequent to enthralling contentions from insight to arraignment and guard in the matter to Friday, February, 26, 2016, for further hearing.

How amid procedures today, Justice Ngwuta, noticed that “the ‎facts of the case could have been lifted from blood and gore movie”, determined all the 12 issues Ezeugo brought up in his allure.”

“This request has no legitimacy. The judgment of the court of request is thus certified. The jail sentence that was before given to the appealing party is no more pertinent in perspective of capital punishment went on him”, Justice Ngwuta held.

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