Put A Stop To Child Abuse 2

Some female children are not allowed to school cause the parents/guardian believe that we belong to the kitchen,they feel the female children are of lesser importance.
Mind you this aint right,I sometimes see 4-7 years old hawking pure water,groundnut on the road side in the street and market places.
They are supposed to be in school,some of these children are not with their biological parents some are orphans some are considered useless but these blessed children are our
Future leaders
Future bankers
Future lawyers
Future presidents
Why not join hands together and put a stop to child abuse.

Put A Stop To Child Abuse 2(i)

Some are aborted,abortion is an act that annoys me,how on earth and why would you commit murder and walk around like nothing happened aint you scared?
Some couples are out there looking for children and you are throwing the life of one away,you either play safe or get ready to be a parent.
Abortion is child abuse let the children come into existence and enjoy what God has prepared for them,am certain you won’t be able to forgive yourself.
Some people are just heartless they have no feeling,on the other hand I love and Adore children so much,take for instance if your mum had aborted you,would you be alive?
If you have a house girl/house boy treat them like family, care for them.
remember whatever WE do we might think no one is watching us but there is a GOD that is seeing you day and night.


*Whatever you are. Be a good one
*Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind(Learn to control it)
*I want to be in your arms,where you hold me tight and never let go.
*Before you act,listen.
Before you react,think.
Before you spend,earn.
Before you criticise,wait.
Before you pray,forgive.
Before you quit,TRY.
* You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.
* I am not afraid of tomorrow cause I know GOD is already there
* I Love My Bestie Always and Forever
* You have no idea how fast my heart beats when I see you
* Never regret something that once made you smile
* People will judge you by your past don’t belong in your present.
* Humility: nothing more than humbling yourself for God to lift you up.

Here’s what I did to my brother

I feel great and excited,I taught of something bad to repay my brother for stepping on my toes.
I taught of drawing my toes on his favourite basketball outfit,then I realised I was not a good artist,
I also taught of taking him pictures of his mouth wide open while he was asleep at night but my phone had no flashlight.
And then I remembered he stepped on my well polished toes. *Giggling*
I decided to polish his toes
I used my favourite colour on it (black) when I was done I was finally happy,I had my revenge
When he woke up around 9am
He Screamed — I knew he had seen his painted toes. I laughed
He ran to mum … She was surprised I went into the living room quietly like an angel would do.
I sat down and smiled and said
Mission accomplished.
I painted my brothers toes while he was asleep.
Inspired by:MR Dash

The Lady Commandment

What you are about to read will certainly make you laugh or smile or might even crack your ribs depending on how strong your ribs are.
However, embedded in the laughter are words, I think, are truth. Let
me quickly step out of the way to allow you digest every bit of the
commandments. Where they make you laugh, laugh. Where they knock on your head, allow the pain to penetrate very well.
After all, chloroquine is bitter yet it used in
1. Thou shall not date any guy out of sympathy. It is not worth it. It has never
worth the pain. Ladies beware!
2. Thou shall not do revenge relationship
a.k.a let me show my boyfriend I can flirt
too. Ladies, that is inflicting more injuries
on yourself
3. Thou shall not depend on any man for
your daily needs. It has brought more pains than joy to some ladies. Ladies, please!
4. Thou shall never fight over a man. Such
men usually don’t have regard for ladies.
Ladies, you can ask around if you are in
5. Thou shall not remain in a violent relationship. You are supposed to be his sweetheart not a punching bag. If he’s
looking for whom to punch, refer him to
Mike Tyson. Ladies, abi?
6. Thou shall not give IT to him. If he wants IT that desperately, he should put a ring on it. Funny enough, men can wait if they see your worth it. True!
7. Be bold when men toast you. Stop
cutting flowers or drawing circles with
your leg. Enjoy the ‘toasting’. Don’t forget
to pay attention to the pick up lines. Some
pick up lines can crack your ribs.
8. If you are not sure of your man especially if the relationship is still new, never take your girlfriend to his house or
give her his number or BB pin. Odikwa
very risky!
9. As soon as you can, let your man show
his face to your people. Your sister or brother or mother. This is very key.
10. Material possessions are good but never let them be the number one factor
in choosing a man.
11. Do not forget the golden rule. Always
sit like a woman. Some men act like babies
when a woman is not properly seated. You
know what I mean!
12. Never think you can trap a man with
good sex. Fou fou fou… foul! It is an aberration.
13. Be good to men but be firm. Yes firm but don’t scare them away.
14. Men are not in short supply. Don’t let them deceive you. Don’t believe anything
in the contrary. Don’t be stampeded into a
15. If your purpose for financing a man is
to keep him, that could be a big mistake.
Finance for the right reasons.
16. Men are not the same. Don’t listen to
“men are the same jare!” It’s a lie! How
many men have you met out of about six
billion people on earth? You see am nau, abi?
17. Adventures can be sweet. However,
never embark on a long trip to meet a man
without informing someone. Never!
18. Guys have a way of saying “don’t let
anybody know about us yet.” If the relationship is up to three months and counting, somebody should know about it jor! Better things, they no dey hide am.
19. They say good girls love bad boys. And
as a good girl, you are looking for a bad
boy to love? OYO for you! Let bad girls love
bad boys and good girls love good boys.
Nobody should use your head to catch a bullet.
20. Enjoy being single but remember that It does not last forever.

Prophet Jailed 7 Years For Running Out Of Court During Trial

Prophet Destiny Onwudinjo of Heaven Divine Ministry, Shasha, a suburb of Lagos in western Nigeria, has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment without an option of fine for absconding from court to evade trial.
Presiding Magistrate P.E. Nwaka of Ejigbo Court handed the sentence to Onwudinjo after he pleaded guilty to attempt to escape after he was brought to court for trial.
Prophet Onwudinjo caused a stir at the court recently when he suddenly jumped from the dock and ran out of the court where he was facing criminal charge of fraud and assault.
The prosecutor, Mr Femi Adeleye, and some of the court officials ran after him and re-arrested him along the street of Lagos.
His action disrupted the court’s proceedings as the litigants rushed out of the court due to the rowdiness that ensued.
Prophet Onwudinjo was facing trial in the court after he was arrested by the police at Shasha Division for brutalizing a commercial motorcycle rider called Chika Izuogu for refusing to pay him N120,000 for deliverance prayer.
The incident happened at Olukosi Street, Shasha, Lagos where both of them reside.
According to Izuogu, Onwudinjo told him that he had a revelation from God that he needed to embark on seven days deliverance prayer so that his condition would improve for the better.
He said the Enugu State-born Onwudinjo explained to him that the money he asked him to pay covered the fasting and other spiritual materials he would use for the deliverance.
To convince Izuogu that the prayer will work after seven days, he told him that he will receive a divine blessing from God as an unknown person will give him N3 million he would use to start a new life and become rich.
Abia State-born Izuogu who seemed to be convinced told Onwudinjo that he would do the fasting by himself because he had no such amount to give him.
This caused a disagreement between them and in the process, Onwudinjo allegedly beat up Izuogu and injured him in the process.
Izuogu said he held him and raised an alarm which attracted neighbours who contacted the police that arrested the prophet.
After investigation, Onwudinjo was charged to court with assault and attempt to obtain money under false pretence.
It was while in court that he bolted and was re-arrested.
When he was re-arraigned, the presiding Magistrate, Mr Peter. E. Nwaka ordered him to be remanded in prison custody at Kirikiri.
The court also directed the prosecutor to prepare another contempt charge against him for escaping from the court.
When the prosecutor arraigned him, he pleaded guilty of trying to escape from court and assaulting Izuogu before the court.
He was subsequently sentenced accordingly.

A Must Read

Pencil: ” I’m sorry..
Eraser: ” For what ??
You didn’t do anything wrong..
Pencil: ” I’m sorry, you get hurt
because of
me..Whenever I made a
always there to erase it, But as
you make my mistakes vanish, you
lose a part of
yourself and get smaller and
smaller each time…
Eraser: ” That’s true, but I don’t
mind, You see, I was made to do
this, I was made to help you
whenever you do something
wrong, even though one day I
know I’ll be gone.. I’m actually
happy with
my job.. So please, stop worrying
I hate
seeing you sad…..
“Our Partners/parents/friends are like the eraser,
where as we are the
pencil..They’re always there for
their us, cleaning up our
mistakes.. Sometimes along the
way they
get hurt and feel smaller(older
eventually pass on)
Take care of your Parents,Partners,friends treat
them with kindness and most
especially love them.”May God
give us all long life,