True Talks

True love makes you do things you never imagine or thought of doing. You can reach to a point of breaking principles,learning how to sacrifice. It can also make you learn how to apologise, how to care, how to appreciate and even know how to compliment.
True love can shape you into a better person, it can make you learn different things i.e a new language if both of you are not from the same country or tribe, it can also make you grow healthy.
If you have some one who truely loves you, love and appreciate that person in return. Such people are a rare gem. Accept the positive change they bring to your life.
I Can’t Promise To Solve All
Your Problems,
I Can Only Promise,
That I’ll Never Let You Face Them
“I can’t promise you the world,
But I can try to give you a happy life.
I can’t promise you, I will never
make a mistakes,
But I can try the best i can.
I can’t promise you that I’ll catch you
everytime you fall,
But I can try to always be close by so I
can help you backup.
I won’t promise 2be ur frnd 4ever
bcz I won’t live that long.
But let me b ur frnd as long as I live.
If one day u feel like crying, call me.
I can’t promise to make u laugh,
but I’ll b cry with u.
Some Life Facts….
Friendship is not about who you spend the most time with, it’s about who you have the best time with.
The more you talk about that person to others, the more you fall in love with that person.
Sometimes the eyes can say more than the mouth.
Depression is often the result of over thinking, our minds create problems that initially didn’t exist.
People with socially awkward personalities tend to be more loyal to their friends and faithful when in a relationship.
A person generally hates you for 3 reasons:
1) They want to be you.
2) They hate themselves.
3) They see you as a threat.
When y0u truly care F0r s0me0ne, y0u don’t look for faults, you don’t look for answers, you don’t look for mistakes, instead , you fight the mistakes.. Y0u accept the faults, and 0verlook the excuses.. The measure of love is when you love without measure..
There are rare chances that y0u will meet the pers0n y0u love and who loves you in return…
S0 0nce y0u have it, don’t ever let q0… The chance might never c0me y0ur way again
1. “Kissable lips”
The kind that makes the man torn between paying attention to what she is saying or kissing her while in the middle of a conversation
2. “A touchy back”
The kind that invites him. How a lady walks, bends, sits is something she can teach herself. The female back should be one that calls out for his touch whether she wears a bare back, a blouse or a blazer
3. “A decorated voice”
Speech and the way she breathes while talking makes a woman sexy. Her tone and adorned way of saying words makes him want to call her phone, hook up with her, have pillow talks with her or just listen
4. “A strong self esteem”
A woman can be shy or bold; but if she has a strong self esteem, that makes her sexy. She looks at herself and sees sexiness. A woman who doesn’t see her beauty or puts herself down is unattractive. It’s not about being full of pride or conceit, but knowing your beauty and value
5. “Decent dressing”
Some think dressing semi nude or showing every skin to every one and anyone makes one sexy. Revealing too much makes people lust after you and use you but to be sexy should be a special thing. A man should see you and want to unveil, not just to sleep with you but to know you, have you, keep you and hide all that sexiness to himself. A woman decently dressed not only evokes a sexy vibe but commands respect
6. “Exciting dressing”
It’s not enough to dress just decent, decent doesn’t mean boring. Whether she wears first hand clothes or second hand, whether her wardrobe is full or with few choices; she should wear in a way that excites visually. She can choose a long fitting dress, a stylish top, a just-enough slitted skirt, an alluring sweater, yummy lingerie; and look good!
7. “Self love”
A woman who loves herself is super sexy. She takes care of her body, monitors her health, eats right, sprays nice perfumes, works out; not primarily for the man, but for herself, the special man only gets to enjoy the byproduct of the love she has for herself
8. ‘Faithfulness”
Sexiness is divided into three: the outside sexiness which is visible for all to see in her; the unfolding sexiness which she progressively reveals to the man who is making progress to winning her heart; and the inner sexiness which she fully and wholly reveals the most private, kinky, most intimate and most passionate self to the man who completely has her heart. Both the unfolding and the inner sexiness should be exclusive. She being faithful to that one man heightens her sexiness. Sexiness is special when its rare
9. ‘A playful nature”
Sexiness is like a dance, a stimulant. She should have that suggestive laughter, undressing eyes, wild stare, teasing tendencies; sexiness doesn’t come out when you’re uptight
10. “Her right view about sex”
Yes, a woman may have been hurt by matters sex in the past, maybe raped, or maybe scared to let a man approach her intimate side. Whatever negative thoughts she may have acquired she should un learn them. A woman who has already sentenced sexiness to be an evil and dirty thing, robbing her the beauty of her sexiness is not attractive
11. “Her unique romance”
Every lady has her unique way of romancing; some could be how she whispers, the words she uses, the little surprises she plans, her touch; a woman must know how best to turn on and express her sexiness
12. “Highlighting her best assets”
Almost all ladies love every part of their body; but there are special parts that stand out: it could be her boobs, her butt, her hips, her eyes, her hair, her feet, her waist. The lady should be aware of her best assets and flaunt them
13. “The right perfume”
The sweeter her scent, the more he is pulled to her
14. “The friends she keeps”
A sexy woman who hangs around women of good morals is more sexy than one whose closest friends are cheats, gossips, flirts and husband snatchers
15. “Her character”
Physical sexiness gets the attention of a man, but character makes him want to keep her as a whole. Sexiness is not just in looking good but being good. A woman who is loving, respectful, full of life, understanding and beautiful inside makes the man want her more
16.”Her courage to talk about sex”
There are women who find sex as a taboo to talk about even with her man/husband. This is a major turn off. The man wants to engage his woman freely, to tell her she is sexy and not feel like he has done an abomination, to talk intimate stuff with her, to have private sex talks with her where they can talk openly about their thoughts on sex, preferences, contraceptives, fantasies; without any no go zones
17. “Her surrender to her desires”
A wife who is not ashamed to initiate sex from her husband is such a turn on. Men love being seduced, so it’s a wonderful gift when the woman who seduces him is his
18. “Her desire to please and learn”
A woman who is not selfish is sexy. She also tells her man that he is sexy, when her hubby is making love to her, she makes love to him too. It’s not just about her. She doesn’t say ‘It’s solely the man’s role to initiate sex, lead sex and take me on a high” She encourages her hubby to please her but also learns his body because she wants to please him too
19. “Her mind”
A smart woman is super sexy. She opens up her lips and intelligences flows out, she is a wonder, she is the kind he wants to be around and explore
Women are the most wonderful creature I have seen on Earth, but am yet to understand why some men are busy finding faults upon faults on them.
Ok, lets look at them this way and tell me if am lying.
(1) Women are the only creature that can
change their original surname just for the sake of love.
(2) They are most easiest creature to convince.
(3)They are the only creature that loves from the
bottom of their hearts.
(4) They are the creature that
can prefer to go to bed with an empty stomach, just
to make sure that their children feeds well.
(5) They are the only creature on Earth that cries
very easily, just to expose their inward disposition.
(6) They are always awake even at the dead of the
night just to make sure that their children are
(7) They can even sell out their cloths just to buy
food for their children, and also see them smiling.
(8) They are always ready to sacrifice their lives just
to save the lives of their children.
(9) They are
always in the kitchen inhaling the smoke without
complaining, just to prepare something for their
children and husband to eat.
(10) They are the only creature that can abandon
their biological family and start up a new home with
a stranger.
(11) Even when they are battling with
the pains of pregnancy, yet, they are busy looking after their husbands and children.
If you were cheated on, dumped for no
good reason, brokenhearted by that special
person who was your everything, who
taught you what love is, whom you cared
for so much, who meant the world to
you… don’t feel so low because you’re not alone. Cry as much as you can but when
you’re done ask yourself these few
questions. Why I am crying now? Was I
meant to cry? If h/she was the right person
for me now why did he or she make me cry
and even leave me for no good reason? Does he or she fail to sleep and eat just
like me or s/he is out there having fun with
other new people? Is that person stressed
like me? Does h/she feel any pain just like
me? Does that person miss me at all? After
answering all those questions then get down on your kneels and pray to God to
make you be strong and to help you find
someone who will love you genuinely with
no limitations, pretense, peer pressure and
even with a mission. God will help you find
you someone who will erase away that pain in your heart. Who will appreciate
everything you will sacrifice for him or her,
someone who will feel your love and care.
So for now stop over calling, texting,
pleading and crying for your heartless ex
because you are just wasting your time. You’re just a laughing matter to him or her
and even the friends. He or she is having
fun out there and dating other new
people. Just try to live your life. You will
get over that pain with time and you will
find someone who is worthy your heart. Trust me One day your ex will also miss
you, h/she will try to contact you and even
to ask you for forgiveness but it will be
late for him or her. Relax for now; don’t
rush to fall in love again. Give yourself
time, know yourself better; enjoy the stress free single life as you’re preparing
for someone better. You’ll be happy again
It hurts so much when You tried to
love Someone
but they take you for granted.
tried to bear all
their bullshit and crap but now
they’re paying
you with replacing you with
someone else.
tried to love and care about them
but they don’t
see any value in all you have done.
You have
risked your life in many things and
have sacrificed every little thing of
yours just to
see them
happy but all that means nothing to
tried to be patient with them for so
long but now
they are
dumping you for someone else. You
always cry
and ask for
their attention but they seem not to
Your life
is so
miserable now but they don’t give a
damn of how
you feel. Your now feeling like you
are at the end
of the world and that you have bad
luck in love.
I wanna encourage you today. That’s
not the end
of the
journey of your life.
You still have a
long way to
go and you will
meet very many new people.
you’re going
through right
now is just a lesson to make you
strong and to
prepare you
for the next person.
Trust me you’ll
be happy
again, you’ll
find someone else who’ll love and
care about you,
appreciate all your efforts and who
see your value
and appreciate them.
God will help you find someone else
who’ll be
having fear of
losing you, hurting you and that
person will be
willing to
make a family with you. Be strong
my dear, you’ll
get over
that pain.
One of the main problems of most relationship is lack of trust! When an a partner breaks the trust, it becomes very difficult to believe them again. Once that sets in the relationship gradually go upside down. Trust is what makes a relationship meaningful without trust, love is pointless. Its just like building a castle in the air!
In order to build the foundation of trust in your relationship, try to be honest! Though atimes its difficult but try to remain honest, try not to lie. Keep your promises dont be an erring partner. Make sure you always show that you care, be responsible. If you are the type that dresses indecent, drinks, flirt and so on. Dont except your partner to trust you.